Our Programs

Learn more about XRT Slim & XRT Inferno


Lose Dress Sizes While Increasing Your Metabolism
Learn Great Lifestyle Habits
One On One Training Every Week With Your Own Coach
Easy To Follow Nutrition Plan
Personalised Exercise Program Great For Any Fitness Level

If you have "tried everything" and still haven't had any long term success, if you are looking for some serious weight loss and be able to keep it off quite easily then this is your program. 


If you are looking for a program that takes care of all aspects of losing weight and improving your fitness, then look no further.

XRT Slim is an easy to follow "connect the dots” system that will not only have you looking great and feeling fantastic, but is also designed to significantly increase your metabolism, which of course means long term success!

There will be 130 minutes of exercise to achieve each week and you will have your own XRT Coach to oversee and map out your program for you. Some of your exercise will be done öne on one”with your coach each week and there will be some exercise that you will need to get done by yourself, however your coach will map that part out for you and of course show you how to do it.

You can elect to see your coach once, twice or three times per week, the more exercise that you do one on one with your coach, the less you will need to do by yourself. You just need to let us know how much support you need (everyone is different).

The strength of this program is in the fact that we take a holistic approach. Not only will your coach look after the exercise component for you, there is also a comprehensive healthy eating plan that is not only great for everyone in the family but is designed to fit hand in hand with what you will be doing in the gym.

It is important to note that this is NOT a crazy diet!

It consists of a healthy, well balanced diet with NORMAL everyday food. There are lots of choices for each meal.

Your very first session with your coach will be a double session (1 hour).

This session is about getting ready for the program and finding out where you are at the moment and your coach will talk you through what to expect in the coming weeks.

You will have a body composition test, centimeter measurements, fitness and strength tests. Your coach will then have a clear picture of where you are physically and can then map out your program accordingly (without throwing you in the deep end).

Your nutrition plan will be explained in detail and you will have your nutrition book and diary to go home with.

Your progress and results will be tracked closely, you will have an assessment every 4 weeks.

While everyone is different and results can vary from person to person, from a size point of view, we are typically seeing 2 to 3 dress/pants sizes at the completion of the program. Other results that can be expected are; increases in fitness and strength, muscle toning, increased energy levels and general health/wellbeing.

Probably the most important outcome that the program delivers is increased metabolism because it means that you will be able to easily maintain all of your fabulous results!



The program is an add on to your membership and cost is dependent on what level of support you would like.

There is a one off set up fee of 49.00 which covers the cost of the extra PT session you have on day one as well as your XRT Nutrition book and diary.

You can choose between 1, 2 or 3 PT sessions per week with your coach.

You can also choose between 3 different payment options. You can pay upfront for your program, you pay as you go via direct debit or you can pay for your program over 6 months on a payment plan.


XRT Slim Program with 1 PT session per week
Pay as you go via direct debit 39.00 per week or 6 month payment plan 19.50 per week

XRT Slim program with 2 PT sessions per week
Pay as you go via direct debit 78.00 per week or 6 month payment plan 39.00 per week

XRT Slim program with 3 PT sessions per week
Pay as you go via direct debit 117.00 per week or 6 month payment plan 58.50 per week

A Healthier You Is Just 12 Weeks Away. What Are You Waiting For?!!



One on One Training every week with your own coach
Easy to follow Nutrition Plan
Buddy up with a friend to share the FUN and cost
Exercise Plan based around Functional Training
10 Personal Training Sessions included

If you are looking to quickly get in shape by toning up and dropping body fat then look no further.

XRT Inferno is an 8 week program that is designed to challenge you and help you take your fitness ability to the next level! All XRT Inferno sessions will include some functional training and will be a moderate to high intensity depending on your current fitness level. Don’t worry… your coach will look after you! Your coach will be tailoring you sessions to your individual needs! 

PAIN!! Bahahahahahah. Nah seriously.. expect to be pushed! You aren’t going to improve your fitness if you stay in your comfort zone. Each session will be different and each session will be a little more intense than the last, but don’t worry: you will be prepared for it! Your coach knows how to safely increase the intensity of the workouts. 

The workout your coach did with you during your last session is now your program for the week, your job is to repeat that same workout at least two more times before your next session with your coach. Each time you complete it, try to push yourself a little harder than you did during your previous session. If you can, try not to repeat this workout two days in a row. Try to spread these workouts out across the week.

Your first session with your coach was 1hr so you had time to do your assessment, go over the XRT Inferno nutrition plan and your coach’s expectations of you for the program, and complete your first training session: Inferno training 101. Between now and week 8 your training sessions will be 30mins in length. In order to get the most out of your training sessions we would recommend coming into the gym 10-15mins before your appointment with your coach and warm up on your own, that way when your session begins you can go straight into the workout itself. 

Your coach would have done your first assessment during your first session and you will do your next assessment in week 8. In week 8 your coach will book you in for an hour long session so you will have time to do both your assessment and an Inferno training session.

Your coach will give you the XRT Inferno nutrition booklet during your first session which opens out into a poster that can be displayed on your fridge. On the poster you will see columns with options for breakfast, a mid morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, and dinner. The concept is simple: you choose from that column what you would like to eat for that day. Want to have exactly the same meals every day? Go for it! Want to try something different every day? Go for it! Some items you will like, some you may not like, our advice is give everything a go! Don’t forget the most important component of your nutrition plan: your food diary! Each week you will be expected to bring in your diary to show your coach your efforts for the week, the more information you provide the more advice your coach can give you. We recommend using the app My Fitness Pal on your phone, if you don’t have access to this your coach will discuss with you other options. If you are vegan/ vegetarian or have any nutritional requirements due to a medical condition talk to your coach.

If you have a current or previous injury or illness that may affect your training you MUST make your coach aware of that injury or illness. In the majority of cases we can adapt the exercises to suit your individual needs and you would be able to complete the program with no problems. If your coach has a concern that your injury may be affected by the training they may require you to see your GP, physio, chiropractor or other health practitioner for advice before beginning the program. If at any stage in the program something does not feel right, you must talk to your coach immediately.

  • It means that you and your friend both have the responsibility of keeping each other on track!
  • Help to motivate your friend, cheer them on, provide a listening ear for when times get tough, and celebrate your wins together!
  • You and your friend are sharing the sessions so you will need to book for when you are both available to train together. It is important to remember that if one of you is not able to make a session and the other still attends the session, the person who cancels cannot use a session that has already been used. 

Includes 10 PT sessions, first and last sessions are double sessions.

Program can be done individually or 2 people can team up and do the program together.

Pay up front

1 person: 390.00         

2 people together: 195.00 (each)


Pay as you go direct debit

1 person: 78.00 upfront then 39.00 per week.

2 people together: 39.00 upfront then 19.50 per week (each)

So what are you waiting for? Feel the Inferno!